Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?
None that I experienced, but I know someone who experienced problems. - May 2021
Gender wise, it's fine, although women are expected to both look amazing at all times AND do much of the work. This is not a diverse place, so non-Caucasians should expect stares and comments, although more out of curiosity and surprise than malice. - May 2017
African-Americans and other people of color sometimes have issues with street harassment. While Ukrainians look more diverse than I expected (there are many Jewish Ukrainians as well as those from the Caucasus or Central Asia who moved to Ukraine during the Soviet period; there are even African-Ukrainians who immigrated after studying in Ukraine, or the children of those immigrants), it is still a relatively homogeneous country. - Nov 2016
Since Ukraine is pretty white overall, many non-white Americans have expressed a feeling of standing out. African-Americans, in particular, were often stared at and sometimes reported harassment on the street.
Gender issues in Ukraine are... complicated. In professional spheres, I did not find it to be a huge issue (at least not worse than it often is in the U.S.!), and you'll find yourself interacting with many professional Ukrainian women. - Jul 2016
I have heard there are racial prejudices but I can't speak from personal experience. As for gender, yes; both men and women are biased. Ideas such as "women can't drive," "men can't do housework," etc., are prevalent among both men and women. - Nov 2015
Men hold open the doors, women wear heels. I'm white and not really religious so I can't speak to this. I don't hear about problems though. - Jun 2015
You will get looks if you are even olive-skinned. Ukrainians are generally kind and peaceful but be ready to be the center of attention. - Apr 2014
I have heard there has been serious discrimmination against people with darker skin tones. I would be worried about the physical and emotional toll this place might take on some people. - Apr 2013
Some racial problems, but it is hidden. - Apr 2013
If you're not Slavic-looking, you will stand out. But my Asian spouse has been treated very well. - Feb 2013
Yes. Racism is still a huge problem in Ukraine. If you're white, no problem. If you're East Asian, you'll probably also be fine. Otherwise, you'll at best be in for some rude staring, and at worst... things can get really bad. - Jul 2012
Some with racial, but haven't really heard of much. - Aug 2009
Major problems. Anti-semitism, racism, sexism, you name it. There are neo-Nazi thugs who ride the Metro after dark and attack darker-skinned people. - Apr 2008
Yes - Racial prejudice is a problem. - Apr 2008
While I don't think it is as bad as in Russia yet, attacks against non-whites is a growing problem here. There have been a few murders and lots of assaults. Diplomats have not been immune from this problem as the Egyptian DCM was recently beaten and left for dead. I haven't seen it myself, but you must keep your eyes open and be ready to get out of a bad situation quickly. - Feb 2008