Beirut - Post Report Question and Answers

What kinds of gyms or other sports/workout facilities are available? Are they expensive?

There are about 5-6 gyms. You will never be far from one! - Aug 2024

The compound has a main gym with weights and some cardio equipment as well as a smaller gym more in line with what you'd find for fitness classes or boxing. There's also a pool that can be quite popular when the weather is nice. All the fitness facilities are free and run by the employee association/CLO. - Oct 2020

Almost everyone uses the on compound gym. It has all of the basics that you would need, but isn't too fancy. There's a gym nearby on the shuttle that a small group use. - May 2019

Yes, but mothly fees are often in excess of US$100 per month. - Feb 2015

There is a gym on compound, which is well equipped, free, and generally uncrowded. It is a wonderful reprieve from the long days at work, and provides a healthy means to reduce stress. There is an amazing personal trainer on compound with prices comparable to the U.S. (~US$50/session). In addition, the Beirut Recreational Association (BRASS) offers evening classes in yoga, Zumba, cross fit, and boxing. There is a pool on compound, which is open during the summer. If you have been planning to get into shape, then Beirut is a great place to do it. - Nov 2014

The Embassy has a full on (free) gym which is used by lots of very big and burly men. At all hours. There are also activities on compound that the CLO sets up in case you want to do some activities with the same people that you are already working and living with. At this point, most of the activities are geared toward first/second tour officers who make up most of the population. - Apr 2014

They are widely available but quite expensive. Many are more like health clubs and charge a premium. Prices can be around US$100 or more. I have seen some low key gyms for areound the US$50 range but they did not look appealing to me at all. A CrossFit gym just recently opened up in Kaslik. If you lived near there that would be an interesting option. - Jan 2014

Yes, but gyms are expensive for the most part. - Apr 2012

The embassy has its own well-equipped gym. In town there are gyms, tennis/squash clubs, both freestanding and in hotels. - Sep 2010

The city has no shortage of fancy gyms. The embassy compound has a very extensive gym, but running space on the compound is limited. The embassy has an excellent pool overlooking the sea. - Jul 2010

There is a gym at the embassy. - Jun 2009

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