Astana - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?
There is some but it's more subtle than overt. - Mar 2025
There doesn’t seem to be a huge issue here. - Jun 2021
Not that I could see. - Oct 2017
This is a tough place to live for African Americans. There is no anonymity and some of the behavior is just plain inappropriate. People here aren't shy about the hair of those of African heritage or taking selfies with them. - Oct 2016
The majority is Muslim here but there are no issues with prejudices as far as I can tell. There are many Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic, as well as Mormon. Most churches only provide services in Russian or Kazakh. I haven't noticed any gender prejudices. - Jun 2014
Haven't heard anything. - Sep 2010
There is a very slight conflict between ethnic Russians and ethic Kazakhs here among the local population, but it's mostly just talk. For expats, anyone who doesn't look either ethnic Russian or Kazakh will be stared at. This is especially true for blacks--they are treated either like rock stars or snubbed by locals. - Jul 2008
Missionaries and other openly religious expats may be harassed due to the government's watchful eye. If you're black, you will be an object of attention--negative and even positive. - Jan 2008