Lilongwe - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

Morale meh... up and down. - Jul 2020

There are 18 diplomatic missions here, though most are smaller than the US Embassy, but many, many aid groups, missionaries, and others. I would say morale is quite good. - Feb 2020

A few thousand in Malawi; mostly concentrated in Lilongwe and Blantyre and primarily focused in three areas: HIV/Malaria/Medical, Food Stability/ Agriculture, and Good Governance/ Anti-Corruption. Morale is overall pretty good. Everyone seems to know everyone else (or someone who knows someone). - Sep 2018

There are probably a couple thousand expats in Lilongwe given the large number of missionaries, NGOs and embassies. Life is comfortable here, so morale is generally good. It helps to get to a first world country every once in awhile though. Most make frequent trips to South Africa. - Jul 2017

The expat community is large! Due to the numerous Embassys and NGOs here, there are expats from many countries. I still meet new people who have been here as long or longer than we have (and we are social!) There are two main groups of expats: the short-timers who are here for 6 months to 2-3 years and the expat residents who have made Malawi home. Morale is good. - Oct 2016

Fairly large expat community with what we have found to be great morale with a sense of humor for the frustrations of Lilongwe. - Aug 2015

Diplomats and foreign NGOs almost equal to tobacco families--I would put it at 1,000-2,000 for Lilongwe. You feel like you know everyone but then realize that you keep meeting new people here and there as the crowds are pretty insular. - Sep 2013

Pretty big. Because it's so poor and there are so many health issues, there are a lot of development partners here, so it's a big and pretty tightly-knit community. - Sep 2012

Larger than I thought it would be due to all the aid work that goes on. - Sep 2009

Quite large. - Jul 2009

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