Tripoli - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.
Petty Crime: Tripoli is not prone to petty crime. It is a pretty safe place to walk around and meet the locals. I have been out till 2 and 3 am on the street, and had no problems with locals. Some people have reported that there is a rise in pickpocketing, but this is by no means a rampant phenomenon, and easily countered with a little foresight. For better or worse, the place is a police state. Traffic: You will eventually have a traffic accident in Tripoli if you live here long enough. You will have cars run into you from any and all directions. Good luck. Traffic Stops: If you are a diplomat, you will be issued red plates. If you are an expat you will have local plates or commercial plates. If you do not have red plates, you will be stopped at traffic circles after about 21:00 any night of the week. The stops are routine, but make you nervous, particularly if your Arabic is not all that solid. The police are usually looking for drunk drivers and undocumented workers. - Jan 2007