Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

How long have you lived here?

2.5 years. - Jun 2024

Nearly three years. - Apr 2024

Two years. - Jan 2023

We lived in Hyderabad for a year total. - Dec 2020

I have lived here for nearly two years. - Jul 2020

2 years - Jul 2019

Less than a year. - Jan 2019

More than a year. - Nov 2017

18 months. - Sep 2016

Been living here about 9.5 months now. - Mar 2015

I've been in Hyderabad for about 4 months. - Jan 2015

2012-2014. - Nov 2014

Two years. - Jul 2014

One and a half years. - Mar 2012

We are here from November 2010 to November 2013. - Feb 2012

2 years - Jan 2011

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