Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the overall climate: is it extremely hot or cold, wet or dry, at any time of year, for example?

The weather is generally nice from October-February. March-June is dry and hot. June to September is monsoon season, which can bring cooler temperatures- just be prepared for a downpour usually in the late afternoon/evening. - Jun 2024

It's hot. This is India. It breaks 100F most days for more than half the year. During monsoon, it can be extremely wet. Winter means 70F, but everyone local thinks it's freezing. - Apr 2024

India. It’s warm to hot all year. Monsoon is less extreme in Hyderabad, but some flooding is normal. Most likely, monsoon will affect your travel plans in country. - Jan 2023

It is hot and dry from September to February, fiercely hot from March to May, and warm and rainy from June to August. - Dec 2020

Hyderabad has several seasons: Monsoon (Jul-Sep/Oct) with constant rain, Winter (Oct-Feb) with highs in the 70s F and horrific air pollution, and Hot (Mar-Jul) with highs in the 110s F. - Jul 2020

There are four seasons in Hyderabad: Nov-Feb: Pollution Season: lows in the 60s at night, but days are in the 70-80s. Mar-May: Extremely Hot (average: 110 degrees), but low humidity June-Sep: Monsoon Season (doesn't rain all day, but rains almost every day for a short period), warm, high humidity Oct: The Pleasant Season - 80s-90s, with low humidity There's no real "winter" and if you don't like heat, this is not the place for you. - Jul 2019

Gorgeous Oct - Feb, and then hot hot summers. - Jan 2019

From late October to late March, it's sunny blue skies, low humidity and low 80s-high 70s daily (think SoCal weather). From April through June is summer and the temperatures rise to low 100s F, a bit of humidity, but still manageable. July-October is rainy season, so it'll cool off, air is clear, but overcast a lot. All that to say, when people visit from other India posts they all comment on how much better the weather and air is here. - Nov 2017

There is a dry season and a monsoon season. They say that the hot season is May-June, but it is hot as early as March and as late as September. Temperatures easily reach 120+ F, which means that it is unpleasant to be outside. The rest of the months are in the low 90 F's. It rains in the monsoon season, sometimes quite a bit. The city has no drains, so it floods every time there is a bid rain. - Sep 2016

The rainy season last year wasn't very rainy. Occasional thunderstorms outside of the rainy seasons. Hot, hot, in the summer: but it's a dry heat, at least. Somewhat humid in the rainy season. Very, very nice - nearly perfection - in the winter. - Mar 2015

I love the weather here -- no humidity thus far, pleasant breeze, blue skies. It's only rained one day since the day I arrived four months ago. - Jan 2015

Warm and sunny most of the year round. Hyderabad has the best climate in India if you can stand the heat. June through October is the monsoon with almost daily showers. April and May can be brain-meltingly hot but the rest of the year is pleasant. - Nov 2014

Fairly pleasant climate, if you like heat. It's dry for much of the year. Monsoon season (mid-June to mid-November can be muggy) but the rest of the year is fairly dry. Never gets below about 70 degrees. December and January are the nicest months. April and May are fiercely hot. - Jul 2014

The weather in Hyderabad is the best in India. The winters (October-March) are perfect (80 degrees), then the summer is miserable from April to June, but then the "monsoon" is very light and only lasts from July to September. - Mar 2012

Summer, from March through May, is hot and dry. The month of May is 110 degrees nearly every day. The rainy season, starting in June, is humid but not as warm as summer. It's fairly comfortable and the rains are not as devastatingly flooding as other parts of India. Winter, December-January, is pleasant, with daytime temps in the 80s and nighttime temps in the 60s. - Feb 2012

Great in the winter (80s) and sweltering in the summer (100+). - Jan 2011

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