Rotterdam - Post Report Question and Answers
What types of jobs do most expatriate spouses/partners have? Locally based or telecommuting? Full-time or part-time? Can you comment on local salary scales?
Are you? -Proficient in Dutch -An EU citizen (or have a work permit) -A skilled professional in a high-demand job (IT specialist, teacher of math/physics/German, electrical engineer and so on) -Prepared to take any job If you score on all 4 points, you'll have employers begging to hire you. Comply with 3 of the 4, and you'll get a job within a week. Two out of four and your chances are OK. One out of four; its a start, but don't count on much. Otherwise don't bother. - Mar 2016
Yes if they have an EU passport and are willing to learn some Dutch, hardly otherwise. - Sep 2006