Yangon - Post Report Question and Answers

What types of jobs do most expatriate spouses/partners have? Locally based or telecommuting? Full-time or part-time? Can you comment on local salary scales?

They work at the embassy. Telework would also be possible with COM approval. No one works on the local economy. A "good" wage here on the local economy is like $400 a month. - Jan 2025

NGOs and non-profits hire about half of the expat spouses I know. The other half are teachers, or work remotely. - May 2019

People are generally teaching, working in EFM jobs, teleworking, working for local NGOs (for little to no pay) or running their own serviced-based businesses. Local salary scales are very low. There is no bilateral work agreement with the US, but getting a "business visa" is actually very easy if you are not the spouse of a diplomat. People who want jobs seem to get something, but it might not be exactly what they pictured. - Mar 2019

The embassy has a number of EFM positions, some teach at the international school, and there are a number of NGOs here that seem to always need staff. The job market here is better than a lot of other posts, but a lot of what's available depends on timing. - Sep 2018

There is currently no bilateral work agreement for diplomats nor a de facto agreement but ministry of foreign affairs allows spouses to work on the local economy. Several spouses do development work with NGOs, one works for the UN, another is a teacher at an international school. Another works for a bank.There are currently some interesting options although compensation is of course less than in the US. - Feb 2017

There are good opporunities if you are willing to accept local salary and/or speak good local language. - May 2016

Not really, but teachers will find plenty of work. - May 2016

No, just volunteering. - Apr 2014

No, plus you won't want to work for local salary. Best bet is to work for a Western company. - Feb 2014

There are some EFM jobs at Post, and at least one spouse is working part-time for expats only. There is no real ability to work on local economy, and the pay would be ridiculous. Some people sign on with schools or foreign companies and make enough for a decent life. - Jul 2010

Only with the NGOs and the international schools, really - Apr 2009

None besides teaching at an International School. - Nov 2008

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