Yangon - Post Report Question and Answers

Are local buses, trams, trains or taxis safe and affordable?

Yes. Grab (SE Asia Uber) is the method of transport for most embassy folks without a car. A trip completely across town might run you $3-4. Most locations where we live will cost at most $2. It's absurdly affordable. - Jan 2025

Safe is relative and questionable here, comfort is non-existent. - May 2019

There is a fairly new local bus system that is very affordable but a bit hard to navigate. Taxis are thick like flies and lots of expats just rely on them and never get a car. You can find a driver you like and communicate by SMS. Grab (the Asian Uber) is big here. There are long-distance trains that are laughably slow and uncomfortable, but they get the job done. There is also a new water taxi service in Yangon that could be useful depending on where you live. - Mar 2019

Taxis are cheap, mostly safe, and easy to hail. I don't think I've ever paid more than $7 to go anywhere in Yangon. We have gotten reports of taxi drivers driving drunk or high on Yaba (a meth-derivative), but it's not common. You should negotiate the price before you get in the cab, and it provides a good opportunity to evaluate if the driver is under the influence. I haven't had any issues with taxis in the year I have been here. - Sep 2018

The embassy recommends we don't take buses or kyat trucks, due to safety concerns; many buses are old, overcrowded and badly driven, though they are affordable. Taxis are also affordable and about as safe as you'll find in this city. The quality of the vehicles can vary wildly, and drivers are generally aggressive, but they're your best bet for public transit. - Mar 2017

Taxis are safe and anywhere from $1 a ride to $7 to get you to the airport at rush hour. Otherwise there is no public transportation available. - Feb 2017

Taxis are safe, cheap, and everywhere. You could survive here without a car. - Oct 2016

Trains and buses not recommended; taxis cheap, plentiful, and safe - May 2016

It's never easy for a foreigner to travel around Yangon by bus. Trains are oaky for tourists but not particularly for commuting between home and work. Taxi fare is negotiable and it's usually cheaper if you know how much you should pay for the distance and/or negotiate in Myanmar language. - May 2016

Local trains are slow and not well maintained, but super interesting to travel on. City buses are cheap, but dangerous as they are privately owned and drivers race each other to pick up more fares. There is talk of a government-run city bus line, but as of yet I haven't seen the buses. Long distance buses are quite good to some destinations, such as Bagan and Mandalay, with comfortable seats and air-con. Taxis are still unmetered, so you have to know the approximate prices for distances and agree on the fare before getting in. Some don't have air-con so you need to be selective if it's hot. - May 2016

Taxis are cheap...don't bother with the city buses. They are safe but you will most certainly be the entertainment on the bus ride. There is a train that makes one big loop around the whole city. It is exciting for the tour for the first hour then it gets a little boring. It's a neat way to see the city though. - Apr 2014

Yes, buses and trains are not comfortable and crowded. Taxis are cheap (30 minutes cross town for US$2-4). - Feb 2014

A taxi ride costs the equivalent of US$2-3. Buses are off-limits for security reasons and are dangerously overcrowded anyway. I'm not sure if they have trains, I can't remember seeing one. - Jul 2010

Taxis are as safe as anything else...and very cheap. Buses and trains aren't really safe. But very affordable - Apr 2009

Buses are NOT recommended. The train is more for an evening out instead of commuting. Taxis are in abundance and affordable, but are definitely an adventure! - Nov 2008

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