Kinshasa - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?

Yes, if you are white then you will be harassed constantly for money or seen as a target for crime. Women are looked down on and not as equal. The war going on in the eastern part of the country for the last several decades is because of prejudices. - May 2024

Yes. There is civil unrest in the East region of the country. It is dangerous to go there. Last year the Italian ambassador, his security escort, and driver were all assassinated. They were part of a UN convoy that was attacked by a Hutu Rebel Group in Virunga. - Aug 2022

There are some prejudices that impact social dynamics. Black expats are often mistaken for Congolese. While there are some nice benefits to this (ability to blend in), I think there are also some harmful consequences. I have heard that at the Embassy and at residences, guards have been known to question or search Black employees more thoroughly than white expats. Additionally, because of the large and growing Chinese community in Kinshasa, Asian expats are often assumed to be Chinese. In my opinion, the Chinese government's actions in Congo have been controversial, especially around mining, and some Congolese people may have a negative bias towards Chinese people as a result. - May 2022

I"m sure there are as it's very patriarchal with a complex multi-ethnic society; I'm just not sure how it impacts me or other expats enough to speak on it. - Aug 2019

It's definitely a patriarchal society, women will experience discrimination and, unfortunately, probably be harassed to a certain extent. The country is overwhelmingly Christian, mostly Catholic but with large communities of other denominations. There are some Muslims, but it's a very small community. Congolese tend to wear their faith on their sleeve, but I found them to be generally respectful of others' differing beliefs. There is some tension between different ethnic groups in Congo, but it's mostly below the surface. There is definite tension between Congolese and people from neighboring countries, especially Rwandese. - Apr 2019

Not that will affect expats on a day to day basis. - Dec 2017

Gender equality has a long way to go, but open harassment is not really an issue. Congolese are extremely proud of their national identities -- they are Congolese first, and other identities come in a far second. People from the Kasais are sometimes criticized for taking over parts of the country, monopolizing businesses, etc. but there is little outright hostility. Political rivalries could be more problematic, though generally among the Congolese elite. Most Congolese just want to make a living and enjoy their family and friends peacefully. - Sep 2016

I have not experienced any, though I believe that Congolese women are definitely expected to be the primary homemakers. I once mentioned to a Congolese man that my husband had taken 12 weeks off to stay home with our daughter when she was born (I was working full time as an attorney before we joined the FS) and he laughed out loud then said "impossible, no man here would, or could, do such a thing." DRC is majority Catholic (though you will see some sign of many different religions) and if you are Caucasian you will be one of a very small minority, but I have not seen any overt (or even subtle) prejudice. - Apr 2016

Women are targeted more for theft and harrassment. - Jan 2014

Light-skinned people are often viewed as ATMs here. A long history of exploitation by Belgians and others has created a very strong mistrust between the local population and expats. This can be overcome, but it takes a lot of work. There are also some intra-Congo prejudices, particularly relating to Tutsis, who are sometimes called Rwandans. There is a strong antipathy toward Rwanda. - Nov 2012

Not really. - Feb 2012

No. - Nov 2011

Don't think so - Aug 2011

This is a country just coming out of colonial rule. The Europeans still think this is the Belgian Congo. Even amongst the Congolese there are some tribal and ethnic problems. - Jan 2011

It strikes me that the prejudice tends to be americans towards congolese, rather than the other way around. - Oct 2010

There don't seem to be, although when the franc congolais drops, westerners seem to be blamed, and are sometimes hassled. - Jan 2009

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