Dingle - Post Report Question and Answers
What kind of car do you recommend bringing to post, given the terrain, availability of parts, burglary/carjacking risks, etc.? What kind of car do you advise not to bring?
The roads are very narrow so large American style vehicles are not only impractical, but also not fuel efficient. Petrol is costly. Also we drive on the left and that is difficult enough for right hand drivers without complicating it with being on the wrong side of the car. There has never been a car theft I'm aware of but I wouldn't leave my CDs or valuables laying on the seat with doors unlocked. We have avery low crime rate, but stupidity is usually rewarded, especially in the summer when the streets swell with tourists. The roads are average except over Conor Pass, which is extremely narrow, and part of Slea Head, which is the same. You don't need 4 wheel drive. It snowed here for the first time in a decade this winter and it was melted off by the next day. There was patchy ice for a few days the end of January. - Feb 2009