Nouakchott - Post Report Question and Answers
What is the availability of international schools? What has been your general experience with them, if any?
Check out the school reports. Basically, a struggling and frankly mediocre American school that tries but can't really hack it. A solid French school, but how many people can really go for that? - Dec 2024
There is an embassy sponsored American School of Nouakchott (AISN). Feelings on the school depend on who you ask and what grade your child is in. Some teachers have been great, others….not so much. Thankfully, the board of the school recently made some administrative changes to the staff, brought in some more experienced leadership that is familiar with the region, and everyone seems to be pleased with the school. I WOULD NOT bring a high school-aged child to post as the class sizes are very small. For elementary and middle school, the school is solid and recently had quite a few upgrades/additions to their buildings. Other options include a French program a few kids attend. These people seem happy with this option. - Jan 2023
People seem happy with the American school, at least for elementary and middle schoolers. It is very small and options especially for high schoolers are very limited. There is a French lycee, and lots of other French creches and maternelles, and several families are starting to use those schools more and more. (Updated October 2022): The school situation is in flux. There is an American school (AISN), which is small and as a result often combines different grade levels into the same classroom. There is also a lycee francais affiliated with the French Embassy. Many expat families had been sending their children to other private schools, such as another English language school called TLC and other French schools. However, the government just issued a regulation requiring all Mauritanians to attend public school starting in kindergarten, which may eventually force most or all private schools to close. AISN and the lycee are exempted by the new rule, though it is not clear what other options there will be for foreigners beyond these two schools. The lycee is already in high demand and difficult to get into. - Aug 2021
The International Schools are good, there is a French one and an American one. Quality of education is good and people seem satisfied with the services. - Sep 2020
There is American International School of Nouakchott, which is very small but accredited in the U.S.. There is also TLC school, which is an American-run school. - Apr 2019
Most kids go to the American International School of Nouakchott, and I have been happy there. It is co-located with the Embassy and it's convenient to have the kids close by. Be forewarned this school is SMALL, there are less than 100 kids K-12. But the library is better than I thought it would be for the size. Both my kids are challenged academically and are happy with their teachers. - May 2016
There is a French school and an American school. Both are adequate. - Apr 2014
The American International School of Nouakchott (AISN) is on the US embassy compound so it benefits from their security. It's Pre-K (3/4 year-olds) through grade 12 with about 60 kids. The combined grades are a plus for students who attend. Academically, the junior high is sufficient, but socially it is difficult due to the small class size. The high school is very new and graduated its first student in June 2011. Students who want to participate in athletics or other school-sponsored extra activities will not find them due to the small size. For strictly social reasons (and not academic) I would not bring kids over 5th grade here. AISN is accredited through 12th grade.
The other English language school is The Learning Center (TLC). TLC started in 2005 as an inexpensive alternative to AISN. They moved into a new building for the 2011-2012 school year and have Pre-K (2 year olds and up) through eighth in traditional classrooms, and high school through correspondence. This is the first year TLC will have 6th grade and higher. TLC also has small class sizes and has a good reputation. TLC is working toward accreditation since it is a new school.
The French school is attached to the French embassy compound and the best French language school in the country. I have heard very few complaints. Some people argue it's tougher than those in France, others argue it's easier. Who knows? - Aug 2011
The school here is small, but we like it. My children are younger, but the high school and middle school aren't that good. - Dec 2009