Jakarta - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any particular health concerns? What is the quality of available medical care? What medical conditions typically require medical evacuation?

Singapore is very close for any serious medical issues/procedures. - Dec 2023

Healthcare is hit and miss. Pre-COVID it was easy to go to Singapore but since the pandemic Singapore has closed its border. Foreign doctors are not allowed to practice here. I have had very good experiences and some very bad ones; it all depends on the provider. - Oct 2021

Medical care is questionable. We flew to Singapore for anything major or invasive, as well as for our annual physicals. - Sep 2020

Health care is terrible. Anyone with significant problems gets medically evacuated to Singapore. There are a few decent clinics like SOS, which can handle minor issues like stitches and simple fractures. Dental care is decent, but not great. As a crowded, dirty, tropic city, Jakarta has all kinds of diseases. Be careful where you eat, clean your fruits and vegetables, and you should be okay. - Feb 2018

Lots of Gastro-intestinal issues, food poisoning. Dengue is a concern. - Jun 2015

If you have any major health issues don't come here. You have to fly to Singapore for anything major. - Jan 2015

On the surface, the medical care appears good. However, when you dig below the surface, there are many challenges. It is important to search for a doctor you respect and trust. Ask colleagues, neighbours and other expats whom they use and trust. - Jan 2013

Medical care is marginal to poor. The embassy has a medical unit, and anyone with anything serious is medevac'd to Singapore. Don't count on an ambulance to help you out. Make sure you have your vaccinations. - Jun 2012

Indonesia is an incubator for just about every communicable disease. You will be sick a lot during your first two years here. 20% of your staff or family will be sick all the time. Individual physicians and dentists can be good, but for most serious work it is best to go to Singapore. All tap water is contaminated. - Jan 2012

Jakarta is very polluted. Not only is the air filled with traffic exhaust, people and factories are burning all sorts of stuff. I remember getting a slew of shots before heading to Jakarta. However, amidst the theoretical potential for bird flu, encephalitis, and other diseases, dengue fever is what people tend to be most concerned about. A few people at the embassy got it while we were there. More common are cases of respiratory or gastrointestinal illnesses. Fortunately, the embassy has a good medical unit, and basic tests can be done locally. More complicated medical issues require medevac-ing to Singapore. - Jul 2011

Yes. Get your shots, wear your seatbelt and pray. The health services available here are more nascent than those in Singapore and Bangkok. The embassy has a big clinic on the embassy but also at the American Club, there is also a couple of very good SOS clinics that cater to the wealthy Indonesians and ex-pats. Anything major and you will be on a plane to Singapore--which is an 1.5 hr flight. - Jul 2011

Indonesia is rife with diseases, actually. I've never met anyone who wasn't sick at some point with a parasitic intestinal infection, and we noticed that appendicitis was more common (the parasites?). H1N1 is around. Some get dengue. Colds are more common because of the pollution. People's asthma acts up. Medical care is not great. Anything major requires a medivac to Singapore. - Dec 2010

Most expats suffer an almost constant bombardment of diarrhoea and other related illnesses. A very good place to lose weight!Aside from the most minor complaints, medical care is sought in Singapore. The British Embassy does not allow any invasive medical treatment in Jakarta. - Nov 2010

Quality of medical care? How to write this in a diplomatic way? - Jul 2010

Dengue fever is a very real health concern and all precautions should be taken during prime Dengue season. Always pay attention to any bites, fevers, other health issues. At times, local medical care is not adequate for what Westerners would consider moderate health concerns. Embassy medical personnel try their best, but sometimes your only recourse is a quick trip to Singapore. Be aware of what you eat and always carry anti-bacterial wipes (better than just an anti bacterial liquid). - Mar 2008

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